
Girl’s Night Out at the Ocean View Fishing Pier It’s that time of the year again! It’s time for one of our favorite-ever Girl’s Night Out events at the Ocean View Fishing Pier. If you’ve never been there, you’re probably thinking, “A fishing pier? What?” but that’s only because you’ve never been there. It’s such...

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Overnight (Romantic) Guests After Divorce

There are a lot of things that are often important to my clients when it comes to custody post-divorce, but one of the first things they mention (particularly if their divorce is related to some sort of adultery) is that they don’t want overnight guests of the opposite sex while the child is in the...

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One of the biggest thorns in my side is an unrepresented husband. Only just this morning, I received an email from a husband who consistently refuses to sign an attorney who told me he wanted something drawn up that said his wife wouldn’t violate the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act or pursue judgments while he was...

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Things change, especially when your family is in flux. In a divorce, all sorts of things can change, even within a relatively short period of time. If you’re in the military, the chances that things will change increase exponentially. I can’t count the number of times that we’ve negotiated a custody and visitation agreement, only...

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How do I get sole custody?

All moms want sole custody. Hey, I get it – I’m a mom, too. And let’s just say that I share your belief that no one can do it – that is, mom my child – better than I can. And, in your case, there may very well be other issues, too. There’s often domestic...

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Can I move out of the house?

Even though most people these days live with their soon-to-be ex husband for a period of time during their legal separation, for most people it’s not a whole lot of fun. For others, it’s impossible. Depending on the specific factors that brought your marriage to this point, living together may be more or less feasible...

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3 Ways a Virginia Prenup Can Hurt You

Prenuptial agreements aren’t a whole lot of fun. In almost every case I’ve ever seen, one party has the other party completely over a barrel, and it diminishes any amount of bargaining power that she might have otherwise had. But, then again, that’s the point, isn’t it? There’d be no real need for a prenuptial...

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It’s hard to explain to family and friends that your marriage is over. Probably, even though they may have seen some of the less attractive sides of your relationship, you’ve still gone above and beyond NOT to let them see him in a terrible light. Probably, in many ways, they’ve accepted him as one of...

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