
Divorce After Just a Few Months

There’s no need to be embarrassed. Mistakes happen and, trust me, we’ve all seen much, much worse than a really short term marriage. In fact, in a lot of ways, a super short term marriage is best. Personally, you may have some explaining to do to family and friends. But legally? There’s not very much...

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Girl’s Night Out: Ocean View Fishing Pier

GNO at OVFP All the single ladies – come to Girl’s Night Out! Getting divorced or going through a custody case isn’t easy, and it’s a lot harder when you don’t have a tribe! I saw a meme the other day that said, “They need a dating app for 40 year-old divorced women looking for...

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Kristen D. Hofheimer Memorial Scholarship 2019

Kristen D. Hofheimer Memorial Scholarship Today would have been Kristen Hofheimer’s 50th birthday. I remember moving into our new office space in Hilltop a couple of years ago, and her talking about the lease and how old she’d be when it was up. I remember four years ago, the first time she fought (and beat)...

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Is custody included in my separation agreement?

If you’ve never been through this before, you probably have a lot of questions. Of course you do! After all, it’s complicated, and even a bit scary. You’re dividing up your whole life, and you don’t know what that will mean or how it will impact your every day. I met with a woman the...

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I don’t want my divorce to go to court

For as many people as are dying to have “their day in court”, there are plenty of others who are terrified of it. While I think both of these positions are extreme; in reality, I think you’ll neither get the sense of vindication that the “day in court” people are looking to receive, and it’s...

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Should I sign this prenup?

Prenuptial agreements are pretty commonly misunderstood. I often hear that someone should may consider a prenup if they had substantial assets before the marriage that they wanted to protect. Under Virginia law, though, property that you earned or owned prior to marriage is already separate – it’s already yours, it stays yours, and it doesn’t...

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Women sometimes look for an out of area lawyer for a number of reasons. Distrust in the system generally is sometimes one. Another might be that you come from a smaller community, and your husband has already sought out and maybe interviewed with the most prominent attorneys there. (Because of attorney ethical rules, if an...

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Mediation versus Negotiation

We get lots of questions about mediation, and I can certainly see the appeal. Divorce is scary as it is. Hiring and working with an attorney is probably also a little scary. A mediator seems like a softer option, especially if tensions are already high. It’s nice to think that you could go in, sit...

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