
Come to Girl’s Night Out!

Facing a divorce or custody case is difficult. It’s difficult for many reasons, but it’s especially so because it often becomes difficult to maintain friendships. That’s especially true for your “his and hers” couple friends, but it can be true of your own separate friends, too. It’s hard for friends to listen nonstop to a...

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Emergency Petitions for Custody in Virginia

When I was a kid, I took the whole “boy who cried wolf” story a little too seriously. I vividly remember being told about 911, and how it was only to be used in emergencies. I vaguely remember a terrible impression that bad things happened to people who called 911 when it wasn’t an emergency....

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Breastfeeding is something that comes up pretty often when we’re talking about custody and visitation of infants – and sometimes even toddlers and beyond! With the wealth of information that is available to us nowadays, most people are aware of the fact that the benefits of breastfeeding extend for as long as mom and child...

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It feels better to operate offensively than defensively, doesn’t it? One of the worst things about divorce and custody cases for many of my clients is that they just don’t know what their husbands/children’s fathers are up to. Things aren’t going well, and there are some major disagreements, so you’re worried that something bigger is...

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Shared Custody: The New Rules

In July of 2018, the law regarding custody was revised. The statute now specifically provides that “[t]here shall be no presumption in favor of any form of custody.” Based on wording alone, I’m not sure that this represents any real legal change at all. I was actually already under the impression that judges considered all...

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Over time, the law changes and evolves. I see trends – even just in the 8 or so years that I’ve been practicing – come and go. It’s funny how that can happen, but, in custody cases, so much is left up to the judge’s discretion. These things really can be different year over year,...

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Emergency Petitions for Custody in Virginia

When I was a kid, I took the whole “boy who cried wolf” story a little too seriously. I vividly remember being told about 911, and how it was only to be used in emergencies. I vaguely remember a terrible impression that bad things happened to people who called 911 when it wasn’t an emergency....

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When coparents are petty

I heard a new one the other day. It doesn’t happen all that often, at this stage in the game, but yesterday it did. I was talking to a woman who told me that her child’s father, after their divorce, tried to one-up her in every single way imaginable – even with the tooth fairy!...

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