
Health Insurance Coverage After Divorce

Health insurance coverage post-divorce is one of the things that I often see that keeps people married for long after they want to be. I have plenty of cases sitting on my shelf where we’ve negotiated a separation agreement but the parties ultimately decide not to finalize the divorce because they’re receiving health care coverage....

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Child support guidelines are not generous, and breaking up with your child’s father is not cheap. You want to make sure that you’ve asked all the right questions so that you can support your children as well as possible. Child support guidelines are pretty simple, really. They’re based on certain information – the custodial arrangement...

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Leases and Divorce If you and your soon-to-be ex husband don’t own real estate together, well, then, that’s one less thing to fight over or worry about. Whether one of you buys out the interest of the other or you decide to sell your home, there are almost always some difficulties. If you sell the...

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Leases and Divorce

If you and your soon-to-be ex husband don’t own real estate together, well, then, that’s one less thing to fight over or worry about. Whether one of you buys out the interest of the other or you decide to sell your home, there are almost always some difficulties. If you sell the home, especially, it...

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Money changes in a divorce. While you might have been comfortable (or at least, somewhat) before, I often hear that women in particular face pretty serious struggles once they separate from their husbands, especially before things like child and spousal support are officially determined. Sure, we can file for divorce and ask for support to...

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Know Your Judge: Virginia Custody Cases

Judges – like all of us normal, regular people – are different. They bring to their job different opinions, and different interpretations of the law. They are subject to different moods, based on what is happening in their own personal lives. This probably isn’t shocking information. But it is pretty scary, to think that you...

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Know Your Judge: Virginia Custody Cases

Judges – like all of us normal, regular people – are different. They bring to their job different opinions, and different interpretations of the law. They are subject to different moods, based on what is happening in their own personal lives. This probably isn’t shocking information. But it is pretty scary, to think that you...

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Here we are again – talking about attorney’s fees. It’s really one of the biggest issues, because everyone wants an attorney, but no one wants to pay what it costs. In almost ever case I’ve ever worked on, there has been a point where my client has asked me what she needs to do to...

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