Come to Girl’s Night Out!

Posted on Apr 1, 2019 by Katie Carter

Facing a divorce or custody case is difficult. It’s difficult for many reasons, but it’s especially so because it often becomes difficult to maintain friendships. That’s especially true for your “his and hers” couple friends, but it can be true of your own separate friends, too. It’s hard for friends to listen nonstop to a narrative about your divorce; it can be difficult for you, too, to NOT talk about your divorce nonstop. For happily married friends, it can be difficult for you to confide, and for them to understand and offer constructive feedback. For your already-divorced friends, they may not want the constant reminder. Whatever the reason, maintaining your old friendships once the status quo has changed can be challenging, to say the least.

In many cases, your friends are still there later on down the line – but there’s just an awkward in-between phase. Everyone, your friends included, have to adapt to your new normal. It’s also often easier to maintain those friendships AFTER your divorce is finalized, because then you’ll be able (presumably, at least) to talk about something other than your divorce. Maybe it’s unfair, but it’s often hard for others to listen to what you’re going through. And divorce is so insanely difficult that it’s also probably borderline impossible for you to think about or talk about anything else.

That’s why we created our Girl’s Night Out event series. We’ve heard – over and over and over again – how divorce is socially isolating. How friends don’t always understand and, sometimes, how friends are lost in the process. How difficult it can be, in the constant mix of work and raising children and managing the rest of your day to day life, to find other, similarly situated friends. To even afford to go out at all, given everything that’s going on and the price of a specialty cocktail these days.

You’re in a difficult place. And we all get by with a little help from our friends in tricky times, don’t we? So, Girl’s Night Out.
It’s sponsored by the firm, so it’s completely free for you. And you’re welcome to bring a friend (or family member, neighbor, coworker, whoever) along with you – so long, of course, as it’s a she. (Sorry, no men!) We have events all over the Hampton Roads area (with a heavy emphasis on Hampton/Newport News, Norfolk, and Virginia Beach, where many of our clients are located) at trending local spots.

It’s sponsored by the firm, but it’s not an event geared towards divorce and custody. In fact, we do our level best not to discuss the law at all (because, really, what fun is a social event like THAT?). It’s not an opportunity to ask questions to an attorney. It’s purely social – and, after all, isn’t that what you need anyway?

(Though you MAY need answers to your divorce and custody related legal questions, too! If you fall into that boat, check out our super low cost divorce and custody seminars, our free books and reports, or consider making an appointment by calling our office at 757-425-5200. Please understand, though, that Girl’s Night Out is just not the appropriate venue to do this.)

We have an event coming up next week – Tuesday, April 9th, at Beachside Social in Virginia Beach. After that, we’ll be in Norfolk in June (though the date is currently still TBA) at the Ocean View Fishing Pier. (Have you been there? It’s gorgeous; they have a top deck bar that looks out over the water and the HRBT!)

We’d love to have you! We do all sorts of different events and, if one of these doesn’t work for your location or your schedule, keep your eyes peeled for the next! We try to always have one in the hopper, so to speak, so there’s always a date to keep in your calendar and count down towards.

For more information, check out our website.  We always have it updated with the next event as well as registration information. Though you don’t absolutely have to register, it’s very helpful for us if you do – it helps us order the right amount of food, and ensure that there’s no awkward lag in service when we get there.

Divorce is difficult; no doubt about it. But it’s a little easier if you have a way to meet other, similarly situated women. Though a divorce and/or custody case is not required to attend, there’s no question that many of the women there have gone through or are currently going through a divorce or custody case. They’re looking for friendships and to make connections, too.

To schedule an appointment or get more information about our other resources or services for Virginia women, give our office a call at 757-425-5200. Otherwise, we hope to see you at Girl’s Night Out!