
In the beginning of a divorce, it’s hard to know what might happen. In a lot of ways, the beginning is the most difficult time for a divorcing couple, because tensions and mistrust are at their highest. Probably communication is fraught with difficulty, too, so it’s hard for the people involved to have a meeting...

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In many cases, couples both agree that the marriage isn’t working and that they want out. I’ve had several, though, where one party or the other doesn’t agree, and consistently insists that he or she wants to stay married. The reality is that you really can’t FORCE someone to stay married; whether you like it...

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We get a lot of questions about what your child’s other parent can and can’t do as the situation moves towards a separation. I get it – it’s scary, it’s emotionally charged, and it can get ugly, really, really fast. There’s really nothing that pulls on our heartstrings quite as quickly and aggressively and viscerally...

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Some people are chronic negotiators. Depending on their circumstances, the nature of their relationship with their soon to be ex, and the facts surrounding the separation, this may or may not be a good thing. I’ve had a handful of really strong minded clients in my day, who come in and tell me what they...

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Getting custody and visitation in place may feel like some kind of medieval torture. Whether you’re able to agree (after a fair amount of negotiation) or whether you ultimately need a judge to render a decision, it’s rarely an easy thing to do. When things go south between you and your child’s father, well, all...

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Communication when your child is sick

Having a sick kid is bad enough. Having to deal with your child’s father while you have a sick kid is even worse. Most agreements – and court orders – specify that when the child is in your care, you need to notify the child’s other parent of any illness or injury. Now, I think...

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It’s overwhelming to face a big process that you’ve never faced before. Divorce is no exception. In fact, in most cases, it seems to me like it’s the fear of the unknown – the what COULD happens – that keep most women lying awake at night. In many cases, these fears aren’t real or nameable....

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When your child’s father abandons you, there are hard feelings. I’ve heard some pretty horrific and heart rending stories throughout the course of my career, and, even though I’ve been doing this a pretty long time at this point, it still weighs on me. A woman I talked to the other day told me how,...

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