Does no fault divorce mean it’s no one’s fault that we’re divorcing?

One disservice that I think fault-based divorce does for people who live in states – like Virginia – that allow for fault-based divorce is that it puts them in a frame of mind where proving that someone is to blame for the marriage ending is somehow important. I’ll be clear, right up front: divorce is...

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The military has all sorts of policies which can make separation, divorce, and child custody especially confusing as a military spouse.  On top of the military policies, too, there are many laws at the state level that will impact how your separation, divorce, and/or custody case will proceed, some of which supersede the military policies. ...

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Post Separation Bonus

Is it time to separate?  That may be a strategic question and not just an emotional one. In Virginia, we classify separate property as anything that was earned, purchased, or acquired before the marriage or after the date of separation.  (We also include anything you inherited in your sole name, anything that was a gift...

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Will you firm work with me?

I was talking to a woman the other day who sort of surprised me. “I have ADHD and Asperger’s,” she said. “I know it’s not always easy, and people get frustrated with me. Would you firm be able to work with me?” I was surprised she asked, for one thing. Though many of us have...

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Help! My soon-to-be ex gave me an STD!

  It’s important to hire a Virginia family law attorney with whom you can be completely truthful in your conversations because, all too often, we touch on issues that are embarrassing or uncomfortable. Among those things, in some cases, is the fact that a husband can pass an STD/STI on to his partner. This can...

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What is adultery? (And sodomy and buggery?)

Sometimes, I feel really technical when I talk about adultery. I say when someone “commits” adultery, and I always feel weird about it, because that’s not how people talk. And I often get questions about exactly what it means, which is understandable – it’s a technical term, like cohabitation and equitable distribution. Lawyers use it...

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Should I call his CO about his cheating?

The military has its own specific set of rules that military service members must follow, including a very specific prohibition against adultery. Not only that, but “fraternization” between fellow military service members is also frowned upon. Whenever anyone finds out that their partner is cheating, it’s devastating. It’s a huge betrayal of trust and confidence....

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Can I have a boyfriend after separation?

I get asked all the time what the general rule is with respect to getting a boyfriend after separation.  To be fair, a fair number of my clients tell me that they’ll never remarry and that men are scum, but there are plenty of others who are looking for love before the ink is dry...

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