It doesn’t happen often, but occasionally a woman tells me that she doesn’t ‘need’ child support. It’s an interesting comment, and one that I feel kind of confused by. What do you mean – you don’t need it? Child support, after all, is not designed for the comfort of the parent receiving it; it’s...
But I don’t need Va child support!
One thing to remember about custody and visitation cases in Virginia (and everywhere else) is that you’re playing a long game. So many parents get wrapped up in the next court hearing and tie all their hopes and dreams on it, when, in reality, contested cases usually play out over years and years of hearings....
We encourage our clients to think of their separation agreements as their own document. Though we have a form agreement that we base all of our agreements off of, there’s often a fair amount of customization that takes place. That’s the most ideal scenario. We take a document that we know already has some of...
I like to say that, when it comes to divorce and custody cases, there aren’t a lot of rules. I mean, there are some rules – after all, we have to follow the Code of Virginia – but what I mean is that, when it comes down to determining what’s right and wrong for...
As if divorce (or a breakup) weren’t crazy enough, when you add children into the mix, things can really get overwhelming. For most – if not all – moms, their biggest concern when it comes to a separation, divorce, or breakup is what will happen to the kids. A lot of moms tell me,...
If you’re a millennial like me, and you’ve given it any thought at all, you’ll probably agree that Nick Parker and Elizabeth James, from the Lindsay Lohan version of The Parent Trap are among the worst parents in the history of the world. I love Dennis Quaid, I really do, and little Lindsay Lohan is...
I first started writing articles about COVID-19 related concerns back in March of 2020, never expecting that an entire year later I’d still be dealing with concerns related to the ongoing pandemic. Custody and visitation issues are some of the biggest that we face in family law, especially when parents share children between two different...
On Monday, I wrote about Virginia’s child support guideline calculations, and what might happen to child support in a situation where a mom, who previously stayed at home, re-entered the workforce. I wrote the article for a couple of reasons, but mostly because I’ve recently encountered two different attitudes. One was a woman, telling me...