Legal Advice You Don’t Want to Hear in Family Law Cases

Being a family lawyer who represents women only – believe it or not – is not all sunshine and rainbows and fighting against narcissistic or abusive husbands. I know.  You’re shocked.  Sometimes, it’s really, really hard.  And one of the times when it’s the hardest is when you have to give advice to your client...

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I got this question for the first time the other day – how do I prepare for an initial consultation – and I realized it’s something that I hadn’t specifically written on before. I’ve written about whether you can bring someone with you, what documents you should bring, what to expect, and so on, but...

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As you may have recently heard, we’ve transitioned our thirty year old baby, Second Saturday: What Every Virginia Woman Needs to Know About Divorce, from a seminar to a webinar on Zoom. It was a change that was both made necessary by the pandemic and also just reality; people want to turn more and more to...

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Can you take my ongoing family law case?

We get calls all the time to request second opinions on ongoing cases, particularly in cases where there has been a breakdown in the relationship between the woman and her current attorney. It happens a lot; after all, there’s a lot at stake in a family law case (especially where we’re talking about spousal support...

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Divorce help when you can’t afford an attorney

Family law is hard. I know you know, if you’re facing a family law case. And you can bet your boots I know, because it’s what I do day in and day out. I understand the love a parent has for a child, having two of my own. I understand the degree to which a...

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It happens sometimes that a potential client walks into our office, tells us their story, and ultimately walks away without a retainer agreement. There are lots of reasons we might not give a retainer agreement. Sometimes the potential client only comes in to get more information. Sometimes, they’re not really ready to move forward just...

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If I had a nickel for every time a friend or family member texted me with a random legal question, I could probably retire. But, of course, they aren’t interested in paying, they just want to get information. Sometimes, I wonder why – because I feel like I give the same answer to literally every...

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Can I move in with my boyfriend? Whenever I’m asked a “Can I?” question, I get a little bit nervous. There’s always a couple of different answers. First and foremost, the answer is yes – you’re a big girl, you can make your own decisions. But it’s almost always a little more complicated than that....

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