We’re the only firm in Virginia representing women only in divorce or custody cases, and we have been for awhile. In our area, there are two firms representing men – though, if I’m not mistaken, they don’t represent men exclusively. I had a settlement conference recently with one of the attorneys from one of the...
Women in Divorce
Retired and active duty military wives and female military service members: If you haven’t already, contact us now to schedule your reduced-fee Veteran’s Day consultation!Retired and active duty military wives and female military service members: If you haven’t already, contact us now to schedule your reduced-fee Veteran’s Day consultation! We rarely reduce our consultation fees,...
It’s not easy to be a military spouse. Between deployments and workups and irregular hours (not to mention the fact that you could literally be sent almost anyplace in the world – and sometimes the service member gets unaccompanied orders – and have no say in the matter), it’s one thing after another. For the...
Here in Hampton Roads, the military presence is everywhere. From bumper stickers proclaiming “I LOVE JET NOISE” to various deployments and homecomings, we see military all day, every day, everywhere. It’s something we’re proud of, and something that gives us a sense of regional identity. We see uniformed active duty service members sitting in restaurants,...
It can be hard, in many cases, for women to know what sort of decisions they ought to be making at the beginning of the divorce process. It can all seem so shrouded in mystery that it’s hard to know which way is up. It’s often compounded by the fact that many husbands seem all...
If ever there was a bad time to be thinking that your marriage is on the rocks, it’s right after you’ve delivered a baby. Add to your level of stress (you know, related to delivery, recovery, post partum, the realities of raising a baby) with the fact that you may or may not be able...
We literally get calls every single day from women asking whether we will take their cases pro bono. I’m not sure where this all got started, but the reality is that we really can’t take entire cases pro bono. That doesn’t mean that your case isn’t serious, or that your financial situation isn’t bleak. It...
When you file a case in the circuit court, it’s a matter of public record. Divorces, therefore, since they are filed in the circuit court, are public record. When you file a divorce, your complaint is either served on your husband by a sheriff or returned to you (or your divorce lawyer, if you’re represented...