I’ve been separated for over a year. Can I just file for divorce?

  Virginia is restrictive when it comes to divorce, just because of the waiting period required before you can even file for a no fault divorce.  Here in the Commonwealth, you have to be separated for ONE year before you can finalize a divorce using the fault based grounds of cruelty, apprehension of bodily hurt,...

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There are very few things as alarming as being served with legal-looking paperwork and not being sure what that means for you or how to respond.  In general, though, you’re right to be concerned – not that this is the end of the world, but legal paperwork usually means that you’re going to need to...

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  I’ll be the first to admit: I have a bit of an unfair sampling.  As a family law attorney, the cases with which I am familiar are the ones where the individuals involved – or at least one of them – sought the advice of an attorney. I know that not everyone does.  I’m...

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I’m biased.  I’m a lawyer.  I earn my living handling family law cases on behalf of the women who become my clients. Also, because I am a lawyer I also (1) see the people who can’t resolve things on their own (and very few of the people who can), and (2) deal, essentially, in worst-case...

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Childcare is one of the most difficult parts of parenting.  It just is.  I think that is true across the board, regardless of whether you are married to your child’s father, never married your child’s father, divorced your child’s father, are separated from your child’s father, or your child’s father is totally MIA.  It’s really,...

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Reconciling After Separation

Separation isn’t always the road to divorce.  For some couples, probably for more couples than I even realize (because, let’s be honest, I have an unbalanced sampling), separation ultimately leads not to divorce but to reconciliation. That’s as it should be.  I believe that women who want a divorce should be able to get one,...

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Right of First Refusal: Potential Issues

I’ve said it before; I really like a right of first refusal.  But that doesn’t mean that issues can’t arise when you implement a right of first refusal provision in your separation agreement or court order!  All KINDS of issues can come up in family law cases and, I am sorry to say, to the...

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Common Custody Issues: Birthday Parties

There are a few issues that seem to pop up again and again and, if you’ve been in family law as long as I have, you’re bound to see it.  If you’re going through a divorce or custody case, you may very well come across it, too – which is why I write today. It...

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