With so much technology nowadays, stalking is just … too easy. We see a lot of devices used to keep track of partners (or former partners), but there’s also good, old-fashioned, boots-on-the-ground stalking, too. So, what can you do? Well, it depends on the behaviors. And, I should also mention, before we get too...
My Ex is Stalking Me. What Can I Do?
Technology creates all sorts of new issues when it comes to divorce and custody cases, and it seems like almost every week I’m hearing about some new issue or other that my clients are facing. This week, it seems like most of what I’ve heard about relates to advances in technology, and, specifically, to smart...
On Monday, we discussed issues that women face in divorce and custody cases as it relates to their social media accounts. Whether your social platform of choice is Facebook (if you’re old like me) or if you’re younger and hipper and are on Instagram or Snapchat, social media use is a big issue in family...
We’ve talked a lot about social media and its various attendant issues as it relates to divorce and custody cases. We’ve talked about issues with Facebook and Snapchat and Twitter and Instagram and even other sources – like crowdfunding, blogging, and online dating sites like Tinder. Technology is great in so many ways, but, when...