What’s the worst they could say about me in my child custody case?

In all too many child custody cases, the allegations made by the other side are complete and total lies.  Or, maybe they’re not COMPLETE lies, but they’re based on one tiny little nugget of information that is conflated to mean something that it doesn’t. What’s the worst thing they could say about you?  You definitely...

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There are very few things as anxiety-inducing as having to go to court, but this is especially true in the case of an emergency motion.  In Virginia, one party can file and ask for a hearing to be held on an emergency basis; it is up to the court to either grant or dismiss that...

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All About the Guardian ad litem

One of the most misunderstood elements of a custody case is the role of the Guardian ad litem.  A Guardian ad litem is an attorney – not a child welfare expert, a therapist, or a developmental specialist – appointed to represent the interests of the child to the court.  Though, in many cases, the parents...

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High Conflict Coparent and Phone/FaceTime Calls

As a mom who is new to coparenting, it’s only natural to want to connect with your kids – and make sure they’re okay – during their parenting time with their dad. And, these days, connecting is easier than ever, too, because cell phones and FaceTime technology make it possible for you to check in...

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A common theme in coparenting is how difficult it is for kids and coparents to transition between each parent’s separate parenting time.  This is probably especially true in the early stages of coparenting – though it generally settles down for many families – but, in some cases, visitation exchanges are always disruptive. Some kids (like...

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Not all Narcissists Make Divorce Awful

I know, I know.  If you’re married to a narcissist – whether diagnosed or undiagnosed – you KNOW how miserable they can make life.  And, if left to their own devices, they’d probably love to make divorce difficult, too. After all, if there’s one thing a narcissist (or a high conflict person or an abusive...

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Coparenting Issues: Spanking

  Question: I admit – I sometimes ‘bop’ my children on the bottom when they aren’t listening.  My child’s father, who has been largely uninvolved, has told my children that this is child abuse, and says he will call CPS if he hears that it ever happens again.  Because of this, my children are being...

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Coparenting Issues: Disparaging Comments

  One very common provision in custody agreements (or separation agreements, if your custody case is part of a larger divorce action) is that neither party will make disparaging comments about the child’s other parent in the presence or hearing of the child. Sounds easy, right?   Don’t talk badly about each other.  Full stop. It’s...

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