Waiving Spousal Support After a Virginia Divorce

Posted on Nov 5, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

If you are considering divorce in Virginia, chances are you have a lot of questions about spousal support. Will you receive it? Will you have to pay it? What if you don’t have children or own a home together? Your Virginia Beach divorce attorney can help you understand the different types of spousal support and what may be applicable to your situation.

Spousal support should be a conversation in any divorce process. Since many marriages end after a short time, those couples who may not have many shared assets may choose to waive spousal support.

Couples who waive spousal support in Virginia usually do so for a combination of the following reasons:

  • both spouses are employed;
  • both spouses do not have children;
  • both spouses are financially independent; and
  • both spouses agreed to waive support in a prenuptial agreement.

If you are considering waiving spousal support, seek advice from your Virginia Beach divorce attorney. Support waivers are usually irreversible, which means that you will have a hard time getting any support if your financial situation changes. If possible, include a provision in your support waiver that allows you to request support at a later date if necessary.

Waiving spousal support in Virginia may seem like an easy way to avoid a difficult negotiation. Sometimes, it is the right decision. But before you choose to waive your right to support, consult with your Virginia Beach divorce attorney to make sure you understand the benefits and risks of either decision.

Contacting a Virginia Beach Divorce Attorney

Throughout your divorce proceedings, you’ll naturally have a lot of questions specific to your circumstances. Get your questions answered by requesting a complimentary copy of our guide, What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce, or reserving your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.

The Virginia Beach divorce attorney team at Hofheimer Family Law Firm is committed to fighting for your rights, assisting in child custody disputes and advocating that you receive everything you are entitled to and need in order to start your new life.