Be a Katy Perry, Not a Kim Kardashian, in Your Divorce

Posted on Jan 12, 2012 by Hofheimer Family Law

Katy Perry met media inquiries about her divorce from Russell Brand with a dignified silence, which she finall broke by tweeting gratitude to her supporters and stating that she had no comments to make on her divorce, and that others did not speak for her in their comments to media sources. Smart girl!

On the other hand, Kim Kardashian has very publicly broadcast private details about the breakdown of her brief marriage, and has even tweeted insults about her husband, Kris Humphries.

While I am a fan of Kim Kardashian, I am glad I’m not her divorce lawyer!

Often, spouses going through a divorce to try to save face by telling too much to too many. Some divorcing spouses have even made the mistake of wanting to “puff” to their exes and telling them, in detail, the strategy that they and their lawyers plan to use in their divorce! It is important to protect yourself by being a Katy and not a Kim:

1. Never discuss your divorce strategy with anyone other than your divorce attorney without your lawyer’s permission. In addition to ruining the strategy, you can also waive your right to attorney/client confidentiality by sharing your discussions with your attorney with other people.

2. Never tweet about your divorce.

3. DO NOT post status updates or other information about your divorce, your ex, or anyone new in your life on Facebook or other social media sites.

4. Do not text, email, or post photos unless you would be proud for the judge in your divorce trial to see them.

As tempting as it may be to tell everyone you know (and everyone you don’t know) your side of the story and to show your ex how you are living it up now that he is out of your life, do yourself and your divorce attorney a favor and don’t do it. Be discreet. Your silence can never hurt and can only help your divorce case. You will thank me later!