Collaborative Divorce May Save You a Lengthy Virginia Beach Court Battle

Posted on May 29, 2012 by Hofheimer Family Law

Separating couples that want to dissolve their marriages as civilly as possible may want to consider collaborative divorce. A Virginia Beach divorce lawyer trained in collaborative family law can explain what this means for you, but generally a collaborative divorce calls for both sides to work through the process without battling in court.

How does a collaborative divorce work?

You, your spouse and each of your attorneys will meet in a series of joint sessions to hammer out the details of your divorce settlement. The aim is to cooperate for the best interest of the family with the end goal being a final decree that is equitable and agreeable to both sides.

In a collaborative divorce, both parties must consent not to use any learned information gained through the collaborative process against the other spouse. This applies even if you end up in court.

The divorcing parties must be open, honest and committed to collaborating on the dissolution of the marriage for this type of method to work.

A Virginia Beach divorce lawyer trained in collaborative family law can review the specific circumstance surrounding your case and advise you on whether a collaborative divorce is right for you.

Contacting a Virginia Beach Divorce Lawyer

The Virginia Beach divorce lawyers at Hofheimer Family Law Firm will advocate for your rights so you receive everything you are entitled to. You can learn more by requesting one of our FREE divorce guides for women or reserving your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 1-757-425-5200.