Dealing with Holidays after Later Life Divorce in Virginia

Posted on Aug 26, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

The holidays are supposed to be a happy time; however, adult children of divorce may experience emotions other than joy when the holidays roll around. Thanksgiving and other holidays can be extremely difficult to deal with, especially if your children are accustomed to celebrating the holidays with you and your former husband at your family home.

One solution is to alternate holidays. Your children may go to your house for Thanksgiving and visit their father for Christmas or Hanukah. This strategy allows your children to spend time with both of you on these important holidays. Consider encouraging your child to celebrate holidays twice, going to one parent’s home on the day of the holiday and seeing the other parent over the weekend.

If you and your former husband live close enough by one another, your child could even split the holiday. For example, your child could visit their father’s house for appetizers on Thanksgiving, and enjoy the big meal at your home or vice versa.

Holidays can be a painful time for anyone involved in a Virginia divorce, including your adult children and grandchildren, particularly when the divorce is still fresh. Some of this pain and discomfort may ease over time. Some day, you may even be able to all come together for events such as holiday dinners and other celebrations.

It’s important to understand the effects later life divorce has on older children and grandchildren. You will need to consider how this event will impact the lives of your adult children and their children, as well as how to keep your family close during these difficult times.

The decision to file for Virginia divorce usually comes at the end of a long and painful journey. In addition to the emotional turmoil involved, there’s also a lot of fear and uncertainty about what the future holds. Concerns about dividing pensions, mortgages, and even just paying the bills or buying groceries can easily become overwhelming.

A Virginia divorce attorney at Hofheimer Family Law Firm can examine the specifics of your case to help you decide how much support to ask for and how to fairly divide your marital assets. Request a FREE copy of our guide, What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.