Deciding To Reconcile After A Separation in Virginia

Posted on Aug 18, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

It’s true that most Virginia couples take a period of separation because they’re upset with one another and considering getting a divorce, but sometimes, the separation period can be an experience that can lead to reconciliation.

The couple can use a period of separation to “cool off” their anger or to get in touch with themselves as individuals and reassess their marriage from a different perspective.

A Virginia in-home separation differs from a traditional separation because while the parties are keeping their personal items and lives as separate as possible, they are still residing under the same roof. This arrangement may sometimes make the parties believe (at least temporarily) that they can reconcile their marriage and not seek a Virginia divorce.

If during your Virginia in-home separation you and your spouse feel you want to reconcile, you should consider whether anything in particular made you feel this way. Make sure you put enough thought into your decision to reconcile. Sometimes nostalgia or tender feelings can be brought on by holidays or other emotional events and can lead you to believe you and your spouse can stay together.

While you may very well have a chance at reconciliation, be sure to give it some logical thought.
Make certain you both are willing to work on your marriage by addressing your differences rather than simply sweeping the problems under the rug.

Any return to life as a married couple will render the time separated as null and void, even if the reconnection only lasts several weeks. This means you will “reset the clock” on the required time spent apart before you can successfully complete the required period of separation.

To learn more about the challenges associated with an in-home separation visit our article library.

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