Defining Annulment in Virginia

Posted on Nov 16, 2011 by Hofheimer Family Law

If you’re considering annulment in Virginia, you should be familiar with what Virginia annulment is and how Virginia family law handles this method of dissolving a marriage. By speaking with a Virginia family law attorney you can avoid any cases of mistaken filing for annulment or otherwise.

If you watch TV, movies, or read tabloids, you might think that annulment is reasonably common
and not very difficult to obtain. A celebrity might get married in Las Vegas and then, upon realizing her decision was the result of alcohol-fueled impulsiveness, have the marriage annulled the following day.

There are plenty of misconceptions about what annulment really is and how it works. Annulment isn’t just a divorce that’s granted when the couple has been married for only a short time; it’s the legal act of erasing a marriage entirely. Couples are eligible for annulment only if their marriage is found to have been null and void in the first place.

For example, take a look at actress Renee Zellweger and country star Kenny Chesney. After a speedy courtship, the pair married on a beach in the Virgin Islands. Four months later, Zellweger filed for an annulment on the grounds of fraud.

Neither Zellweger nor Chesney ever publicly discussed the details of their marriage’s demise, but fraud would indeed be a valid legal ground for annulment in Virginia and many other jurisdictions.

For answers to further questions about annulment, you should speak with a Virginia family law attorney right away.

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