Diffusing Arguments Through Couple’s Therapy

Posted on Mar 12, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

Occasional arguments are inevitable in any significant relationship. The frequency and intensity of arguments, however, can sometimes bring about such animosity between two people that the relationship becomes fundamentally damaged. If this has occurred in your relationship with your husband, you may wish to seek couple’s therapy or even file for divorce in Virginia.

Handling Arguments Through Couple’s Therapy

It is not surprising that arguments are the biggest complaint in couple’s therapy sessions. But why do arguments occur?

Arguments usually occur when:

  • Your significant needs are in direct conflict with your husband’s significant needs
  • Significant anxieties are not communicated effectively or are communicated in a way that heightens another’s anxieties and concerns

In these situations, most people tend to go into a defensive mode and cease listening to their partner. In couple’s therapy, the goal is that both you and your husband might learn to stop the defensive process that is causing the argument, and move into a non-judgmental, listening frame of mind. In this mode, it is easier to both express yourself and to understand your husband’s point of view. Many arguments and lingering issues in your marriage can easily be diffused in this way.

Learn more about couple’s therapy by visiting our article library.

When Couple’s Therapy Isn’t Enough

Even if you are having fewer arguments with your spouse, you may realize your marriage must come to an end. Couple’s therapy can allow you to realize this in a more rational, less emotionally driven state-of-mind. If you decide to go through with your divorce, you will need the help and guidance of an experienced Virginia divorce attorney.

At Hofheimer Family Law Firm, our Virginia divorce attorneys care about your rights, the welfare and happiness of your children, and your financial security. Let us use our unique experience and legal expertise to help you focus on your goals for your future and your family. Contact us today at (757) 425-5200 for more information about our monthly seminars, or to schedule a one-hour legal consultation with one of our Virginia women’s divorce attorneys.