Getting Important Info to Your Chesapeake Divorce Lawyer

Posted on Sep 6, 2011 by Hofheimer Family Law

The Virginia divorce process includes a portion called the interrogatories, in which your Chesapeake divorce attorney will be asking your husband a battery of questions related to the family finances and assets, and to matters that are pertinent to your child custody case. You will also be asked a set of questions and be expected to produce documentation.

These questions can be very detailed, but this type of information gathering is necessary in order for the attorney to build the divorce case and help make sure that you get a fair and equitable settlement and a child custody decision that is in the best interests of your children.

For example, to properly gather information, the attorney may ask for information about:

  • 401(k) plans;
  • Stocks;
  • profit sharing; and
  • other financial plans.

They will need all the vital information about these accounts and the documentation for them. Regarding child custody, there may be questions about parental fitness and whether one parent has any documented proof to support their claims that the other parent isn’t fit to have custody.

Divorce requires a large amount of paperwork, so it’s best to have a system that helps you
keep everything organized. 3-ring binders, labeled folders and the like will be a great help to you during this time. It’s essential that you cooperate with your Chesapeake divorce attorney so that your case goes as smoothly as possible.

Contacting a Virginia Divorce Attorney

There are very specific rules governing divorce in Virginia. At Hofheimer Family Law Firm we are committed to providing you with the experience and compassion you deserve and the successful results you need to move on with your life. Request a FREE copy of our divorce guide for women in Virginia, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.