Join us for Girl’s Night Out at the Funny Bone!

Posted on Sep 20, 2013 by Katie Carter

There is life after divorce. You may not realize it now, but there will come a time when you think about your divorce less and less. As time goes on, the old wounds heal. You’ll come out smarter, stronger, better than you were when you started the process, and you’ll have a better idea of what you want out of your future. With struggle comes resolve and, eventually, clarity.

What is it that you want to do now? You may not be ready to think about it yet, but eventually you will be. You’ll join a gym or a wine club, you’ll find a new restaurant in an up-and-coming part of town, or you’ll go out with your girlfriends. Cut your hair, redecorate, or take up a new hobby. Join a class on cake decorating, cross stitching, line dancing, poetry, photography, or painting. There are so many options out there!

Because we really started to feel like there was a need to help divorced or divorcing women get back out there in the community, we’ve started the Girl’s Night Out program. Every four to six weeks, we sponsor an event at a local hotspot and encourage women to come join us. Where we live, there are so many great places to go and so many fun things to do, that it seems a shame not to set something up for women who want to get out and meet new people. Whether you’ve already got a group of dedicated girlfriends or you’re looking for your next new BFF, you’ll have a great time at Girl’s Night Out!

At Girl’s Night Out, you’ll get a chance to meet and mingle with many of our attorneys and staff, as well as other similarly situated local area women. We’re not there to talk about divorce, though; this is a completely divorce-free evening of fun and camaraderie. Feel free to bring a (female!) friend, sister, neighbor or whoever along with you—there’s room for everyone!

This month, on October 9th, we’ll be at the Funny Bone. The show starts at 8 (it’s a hypnotist!), but we’re going to get there at about 6 to grab a bite to eat. Your ticket and your dinner is on us, so what have you got to lose? Come out and join us, and see what all the fuss is about! You won’t regret it!


October 9th, 6 pm at the Funny Bone

217 Central Park Avenue

Virginia Beach, Virginia 23462

For more information, please click here. We really hope to see you there!