Oprah Winfrey site on children and divorce is “sadly compelling”

Posted on Aug 29, 2009 by Hofheimer Family Law

When Oprah Winfrey speaks, we all listen. And when Oprah has children speak–WOW–the message is compelling.

So, go to the link http://www.oprah.com/media/20080601_tows_111006010FEELSLIKEOCOM_O_VIDEO_1 and listen to the voices of the children of divorce. Hauntingly poignant ! Whenever children speak their truth-parents should listen.

Does this mean you cannot leave a bad marriage ? Of course not ! It means finding a way to communicate with your children that is least harmful. Usually, the help of a mental health provider like a psychologist, licensed professional counsellor or qualified social worker can do wonders in helping you and your children. But, don't wait until the last minute to seek help. If your marriage is deteriorating, get help for the marriage if you can. And if it is too late for the marriage–get your children help now.

The message Oprah Winfrey provides us is sadly compelling. We must hear the message of both Oprah and the Kids and act quickly and wisely.