Post 9/11 GI Bill — Service Member may Transfer Benefits to Spouse and Kids by Mary Elizabeth Davis

Posted on Sep 10, 2009 by Hofheimer Family Law

Service Members who served after 1 August 2009 and who are eligible for the Post 9/11 GI Bill may transfer their benefits to a spouse, a child, or any combination of spouse and children. This eligibility will greatly enhance dependents' ability to afford college and allow a service member to contribute to his or her dependent's college education. Generally, a service member must either (1) have served for six years and commit to serving four more, or (2) have served ten years, be precluded from serving four more years, and serve the maximum remaining time allowable. quoted Deputy Under Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy Bill Carr, who said, "This is as it should be in a volunteer force where families also serve…. Transferability of GI Bill benefits is the most requested initiative we receive from our Servicemembers, and we believe it will assist us in retaining highly qualified military personnel."

As a former Marine Corps "brat" myself, I can say that my education was assisted by the generous help of the Marine Corps Officers Wives' and Fleet Reserve Association scholarships. I am happy to know that countless other "brats" will be able to share in the availability of educational resources, particularly in this time of economic uncertainty and recession.

Check out the VA website for more information: