
If you’ve been a stay at home mom or you’ve significantly reduced your hours in an effort to promote the well being of your family and you’re now headed towards divorce, you’re probably a little concerned. And—that’s probably an understatement. Financially, divorce is probably pretty terrifying to you, even if it’s something that you know...

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Divorce Support Group

Going through a divorce isn’t easy. It isn’t easy for anyone, no matter what specific issues brought you to where you are today. No matter what you’re going through, you don’t want to be defined by your divorce. You, like any woman facing adversity, want to come out on the other side, better, stronger, and...

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Avoiding Taxes With Spousal Support Awards

If you’re feeling like spousal support awards really aren’t all that generous, you’re not alone. Spousal support is one of those things that, in my practice, varies widely. The law governing spousal support is far from clear, too, so even determining whether someone will receive spousal support is difficult and often convoluted. We have to...

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January Custody Bootcamp

It’s January, which means that Custody Bootcamp for Moms is coming up again soon! We still have space for the January 28th seminar, so, if you’ve got a court date coming up or just want to check in on your attorney, now is definitely the time to get registered to attend! Custody Bootcamp for Moms...

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Now that the holidays are over, it’s time to start thinking about 2017, and how you’ll make it a better year than 2016. If you’ve been unhappy in your marriage, you’re probably thinking about the changes you could make in your personal life that would make you happier, more fulfilled, or a better parent moving...

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Fault Based Grounds for Divorce

Most people, at some point or other, really want to explore all of their options when it comes to divorce. For most people, too, that starts with carefully considering fault based grounds. They’re definitely appealing. For a lot of people, selecting from among the fault based grounds of divorce feels almost compulsory, if those grounds...

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I cheated on my husband. What do I do?

You cheated on your husband. The marriage has been breaking down for a long time and, in a moment of weakness, you gave in. It wasn’t your proudest moment. And now you’re a little scared. You know that, in Virginia, adultery is one of the fault based grounds for divorce. What should you do next?...

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Lawyers Suck: But can you divorce without one?

I know, I know. Everyone hates lawyers. Almost wherever I go, I get a bad lawyer joke. Well, that is, I get bad lawyer jokes. It doesn’t hurt my feelings. Obviously, by this point in my career, I’m pretty used to it. Besides, deep down, I know no one means it. I know that what...

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