
If you’re considering a Virginia military divorce, speaking with a Newport News divorce attorney who has experience working with military members is the best place to start. Military divorce isn’t a separate legal category; military couples need to go through the same procedure for divorce as civilian couples do. The state laws in Virginia surrounding...

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Understanding Cross-Examination During Virginia Divorce

Cross-examination is the part of a Virginia divorce court that many people have concerns about. Even with your Norfolk divorce lawyer nearby, being on the stand can be a challenging experience. There are some things to know before undergoing cross-examination during a divorce trial. Your ex’s attorney will try to get you to repeat anything...

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Pros and Cons of Sole Virginia Child Custody

If you’re facing a Virginia child custody case, you and your Norfolk divorce lawyer can work toward a parenting plan that’s good for you and your children. There are various types of custody, and each has its pros and cons. If you have sole physical custody, then you are the one the child lives with...

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Getting divorced in Virginia can present you with a host of challenges, especially if you’re a parent. Your schedule and living arrangements might change as you adapt to your Virginia child custody arrangements. Luckily there are some tools that can help you be more organized when approaching post-divorce parenting. With technology such a large part...

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I Had An Affair, Now My Husband Wants a Divorce

Being cheated on is a painful event, but sometimes being the one who cheats can bring a suffering all its own. If you committed adultery in your marriage and your husband wants a Virginia divorce, you should seek the counsel of a Virginia divorce attorney for women. Adultery is one of the top reasons for...

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Rebuilding your life after a Virginia divorce can be a challenging experience, particularly when the divorce coincides with illness or financial problems. During your divorce, your Virginia divorce attorney for women can help you through your legal issues, but when your divorce is final, you still have plenty of work to do. Back in the...

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Parenting after divorce means understanding what your children need. Between handling your new Virginia child custody arrangements and building your new life, you may not be sure how best to address your child’s emotions during this difficult time. Newly divorced parents have many resources to help them guide their children through the rough waters of...

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An increasing amount of high-profile bloggers have been sharing their marital woes in cyberspace, and talking about personal family matters such as getting a divorce. In Virginia, your Hampton divorce attorney will caution you about oversharing online during a divorce because it could lead to unnecessary strife and turmoil down the road. Mother and blogger...

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