
Of all the difficult aspects of a Virginia divorce, child custody issues have the potential to be the most heartbreaking. If the parents can't agree to acceptable terms, or if there are extenuating circumstances, it makes the situation even more challenging. If you're a military woman seeking a divorce, you should be aware of custody...

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4 Duties Your Virginia Beach Divorce Attorney Owes to You

When it comes to attorney-client relationship, both you and your Virginia Beach divorce attorney have certain rights and responsibilities. When both parties fulfill their obligations, the divorce is more likely to be successful.There is a specific code of conduct that guides the legal professional. Listed below are 4 key areas in which your Virginia Beach...

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4 Tips for Staying Organized During Your Virginia Divorce

When you first meet with your Virginia Beach divorce attorney, you’ll need to bring in documents that are necessary for starting the divorce process. This will likely be your first experience with the paperwork associated with divorceDivorce is a legal process, and like any legal process it has its own specific forms of documentation. Keeping...

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Forgiveness and Emotional Health After Virginia Divorce

After a Virginia divorce, forgiveness comes more easily to some people than to others. If you’re the type of person who’s eager to embrace healing and forgive your ex-husband, make sure you’re taking a wise approach to accepting him back into your life.Forgiveness does not have to include being friends with your ex. You can...

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Revenge IsnÂ’t The Answer In a Virginia Divorce

Even if your Virginia divorce is over, you probably still have strong feelings about your ex-spouse and the way your marriage ended.Revenge is a common theme associated with break-ups in general and divorce in particular. The vengeful, angry ex is a classic character in books, movies, and theater for a reason. Most of us have...

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Some women find dating again after Virginia divorce fun and exciting, while others find it a bit stressful. While it probably feels invigorating to share good times with a partner again, you want to make sure you handle your relationship wisely, particularly as it relates to your children.When you’re dating again after divorce, “gradual” is...

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In today’s fast-paced, career-driven society, it’s easy to fall into a mindset that if an activity doesn’t generate income, it’s not worthwhile. This outlook can even transcend into your personal life and cause some stay-at-home moms to feel the pressure to work. This is simply just not accurate, especially so when you’re in the midst...

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Infidelity is one of the worst things a woman can discover in her adult life. It is perhaps the hardest betrayal to endure and creates a ripple effect of self doubt. In order to come to a decision about how you want to proceed, you’re likely going to grapple with some tough questions. In the...

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