
If you are currently involved in a Virginia child custody dispute and wish to keep your child in homeschool, you may feel that you are fighting a steep uphill battle. This does not have to be the case. You need only convince the court that homeschooling is a legitimate alternative to traditional institutions both academically...

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If you have chosen to homeschool your child, you will likely hear one main opposing argument; children who are homeschooled cannot have a healthy social life. Such arguments can only become more heated during a Virginia child custody dispute. Luckily, there are many studies in the social health of homeschooled children. One such study was...

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Every testimony consists of a direct examination and a cross-examination. In a hearing concerning Virginia child custody, however, you may also be questioned by your guardian ad litem and the judge. This is because child custody hearings require the court to gain a more complete view of your life and temperament as a parent. Questioning...

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Feeling Like a Teenager Again After a Virginia Divorce

Many people go through a second adolescence after divorcing. This time can be exhilarating, scary and fun all at once. The decision for you is at what point, if ever, you want to leave this “teenager again” stage behind you.Second Adolescence and a Virginia Divorce Is he interested in me? Am I interested in him?...

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Choosing the Right Attorney for Your Virginia Divorce

When going through a divorce, you want to have the most qualified Virginia divorce attorney that you can find for your situation. This means that you have to actively seek and choose a Virginia divorce attorney, not just haphazardly select one out of a phone book. In addition to obtaining references and seeking a Virginia...

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Is My Divorce Tax Deductible?

Divorce can be difficult, both emotionally and financially. You may be able to find some relief in the event that some of the associated costs are deemed as tax deductible. Unfortunately, most litigation expenses are personal and non-deductible. There are some expenses, however, that can be deducted, assuming your financial records are in order and...

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When awarding a parent sole custody of a child, the court uses a specific set of criteria. Among these criteria are the vitally important “friendly parent” factors. These have to do with each parent’s willingness to maintain a functional relationship with the other for the sake of the child; in other words, how friendly they...

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Virginia Child Support for Child 18 and older

If you are divorcing, have divorced or plan to divorce your husband and you have a child, it is likely you will be faced with the complicated issue of child custody. One important aspect of Virginia child custody is child support, but many people wonder how long child support can actually last.My Child is Over...

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