
Divorce Could Greatly Affect Your Special Needs Child’s SSI

Divorce can have lifelong repercussions for both you and your child, especially if that child is a special needs child. Being awarded child support is usually a good thing in divorce, however, with a special needs child, such awards could actually be detrimental.Divorce and Social Security BenefitsWhen you receive child support for a special needs...

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If you have a special needs child, he or she may already be a part of the Individualized Education Program (IEP). However, if you are currently going through a divorce involving your special needs child and he or she does not have an IEP, you may be able to negotiate such a plan with your...

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A Protective Order Could Save Your Life

Spousal abuse is a situation you’ll want to remove yourself from quickly and a Virginia divorce court can be a long and arduous process, but there is immediate action that can be taken. This immediate action is a protective order or a restraining order. A protective order establishes rules and restrictions on the abuser.How Protective...

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The Impact of Psychological or Emotional Abuse

There are many types of spousal abuse and one particularly complicated form of abuse is emotional abuse. Though it leaves no visible bruise or scar, emotional abuse can wound just as deeply as any physical abuse. Emotional, or psychological, abuse can cut deep inside and make you second-guess yourself. This abuse can lead to life-long...

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Helpful Tips About Your Child’s Guardian Ad Litem

The guardian ad litem (GAL) appointed to represent your child's best interests during your Virginia child custody case carries serious clout in the courtroom. Your child's guardian ad litem has influence over your Virginia child custody ruling which is second only to the judge's. With this in mind, here are several pointers to keep in...

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The Guardian Ad Litem’s Role in Child Custody

There are few events more frightening in life than going through a child custody battle. If you are not informed about the role of your child’s guardian ad litem in advance, you will no doubt experience heightened fears and anxiety. Under Virginia child custody law, the guardian ad litem, or law guardian, is appointed by...

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When going through a Virginia divorce and attempting to fairly divide your shared property, you may run into these two terms: marital property (that which is shared because of marriage), and separate property (that which is individually owned). However, there is a third term that is of equal importance: part marital and part separate property.How...

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If you are entering into a divorce and are concerned about the fair division of your property, you may wish to consider a marital separation agreement. Under the right circumstances, a marital separation agreement can make the entire divorce process run much more smoothly.What is a Marital Separation Agreement? A marital separation agreement is basically...

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