
Benefits of Joint Physical Custody

Virginia joint physical custody, according to the Virginia Legislative Code, refers to a situation in which the parents share custody and the child lives with both parents on a set schedule. Listed below are some of the ways in which shared child custody can be very beneficial for children of divorce: Shared custody allows more...

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The Challenges of Joint Physical Custody

As the Virginia Legislative Code defines it, joint physical custody allows parents to share physical custody of their child. In this scenario, the child can live with both parents on a routine, agreed-upon schedule. While shared physical custody can be beneficial because it allows the child to spend substantial time with each parent, this custody...

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What is the Difference Between Physical and Legal Custody?

During Virginia divorce proceedings, one of the most contentious aspects can be the issue of physical and legal custody of the children. According to the Virginia Legislative Code, there are important differences between legal and physical custody of which you should be aware. When a parent is granted legal child custody in Virginia, they have...

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How do I become Separated in Virginia?

One of the questions that I'm frequently asked when women come in for consultations is "Am I separated?" or "How do I become separated?". In Virginia, unlike some other states, you don't go down to the courthouse and file for separation and you do not have to have signed a separation agreement in order to...

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Understanding Virginia Equitable Distribution

Are you facing a divorce? If you have done any research on Virginia divorce, you have probably seen how complicated the law can be, particularly to someone who is going through an emotionally demanding experience. From distribution of assets and debts, to child custody and support, it is important to have an experienced Virginia divorce...

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What are the Types of Virginia Divorce?

In Virginia, there are three types of divorce that may be granted: annulment, limited divorce, and absolute divorce. It is important to retain the services of an experienced Virginia divorce attorney to learn which divorce option is right for you and your unique situation.Annulment in VirginiaWhile you may have heard of celebrities getting quick and...

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Angela Shelton and her “Naked Singularity”

In a stunning opening to the 7th Annual Battered Women’s Custody Conference, author and movie producer Angela Shelton stunned the audience with her Naked Singularity. Knowing Angela, you may have thought she ran around with no clothes on but rather she was alluding to the scientific phenomenon Naked Singularity which she explained was when stars...

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Coping with the Realities of a Virginia Divorce

On your wedding day, you probably never thought about what would happen if you were faced with the possibility of a divorce. Even if your Virginia divorce is amicable, coping with the end of a marriage can be difficult and can be accompanied by feelings of anger, sadness and loss. It is important to know...

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