I moved out and took the kids. Do I have to give him visitation?

Things can be especially tricky in that gray area between separation and the time that you and your soon-to-be ex are able to get a signed agreement or court order in place.  Until that time – when you either negotiate and sign an agreement or go to court and the judge puts an order in...

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There are very few things as anxiety-inducing as having to go to court, but this is especially true in the case of an emergency motion.  In Virginia, one party can file and ask for a hearing to be held on an emergency basis; it is up to the court to either grant or dismiss that...

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  Virginia is restrictive when it comes to divorce, just because of the waiting period required before you can even file for a no fault divorce.  Here in the Commonwealth, you have to be separated for ONE year before you can finalize a divorce using the fault based grounds of cruelty, apprehension of bodily hurt,...

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Custody cases are some of the most dramatic, contentious, and stressful cases.  I’ve written on this before, and I’ll say it again: Virginia is NOT one of the states in this country that mandates 50/50 custody as a starting point. In Virginia, we use the ‘best interests of the child’ factors, established by statute, as...

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The Shapes and Sizes of Virginia Custody Cases

Custody cases can be complicated, in some ways, because they can take different shapes depending on the issues involved – and because different types of rules apply to different types of cases.  What can a Virginia custody case look like? Custody Case as Part of a Divorce Action Custody and visitation cases often come up...

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Discovery – whether as part of a divorce or a child custody case – is essentially the same.  It’s the legal process we use to determine and gain access to the information that we don’t have.  In a divorce case, much of the information we’re looking for is financial, especially if our client has stayed...

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Custody cases are interesting because they can come up in a number of ways, unlike divorce.  In a divorce, you have essentially two options: (1) negotiate a signed separation agreement, or (2) litigate in court. Divorce Cases Where Custody is an Issue Divorce is filed in the circuit court. Custody, though, can present differently.  Custody...

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Divorce is a scary – and potentially expensive – process, so it’s no wonder that you want to explore all of your alternatives before you commit to a specific course of action.  Is there any way at all that you can avoid hiring an attorney?  Can you use one of the online do it yourself...

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