Parental Kidnapping in Virginia

Parental Kidnapping in Virginia

It happens semi regularly that we end up with a client who has moved with her child (or children) to another state over dad’s objection.  If dad doesn’t care, it’s not a really big deal.  If he does, though, and he files an emergency petition for custody, you could find yourself up the proverbial creek...

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There’s a lot of uncertainty when it comes to most divorces.  At the beginning of the process, tensions are usually high, and there’s a lot of mistrust on both sides.  Coming to the realization that your marriage is at an end is difficult and emotional, and it’s often surprising how fast people go from “till...

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Virginia Annulment and Divorce Options

It’s only in the movies that people dramatically break up before the wedding.  Or, at least, that’s what it seems like to me.  As many weddings as I’ve been to (and been in!), no one has broken up at the altar.  Of all the people I know, only one has even broken a serious engagement....

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It used to be that private investigators were predominantly used in adultery cases (LINK) but, in recent years, we’ve come to a point where we probably utilize them even more often in custody cases. We can use private investigators to gather evidence on all sorts of custody-related issues necessary to put on a good case...

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Student Loans and Divorce

Student loans are a reality of the world these days and, if you’ve got them, you’re definitely not alone. (In fact, you’re preaching to the choir.) In fact, these days, more people have student loans than don’t have them, and the average amount of debt each person carries is greater than ever before. It’s pretty...

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What happens AFTER I file for divorce?

Even though we’ve all heard tons of horror stories about divorce, I find that a lot of people don’t really have any actual idea about what’s involved in a divorce. All too often these days, most of what we “know” (or think we know) comes from TV rather than from actual experience. If you’re facing...

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I read an article the other day about parenting children through divorce and it cautioned parents to not beat themselves up over all the pain and suffering that their children would experience throughout their lifetimes. Though, as moms, we all tend to feel like it’s our job to protect our children from all the various...

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Whether you or your child’s father originally filed custody petitions, it’s a pretty scary process. If he has an attorney and you don’t, it’s probably especially scary. Though there’s no rule that says you have to have an attorney in any divorce or custody cases in Virginia, navigating the system on your own can be...

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