Homelessness and Virginia Child Custody

Homelessness and Virginia Child Custody

When things don’t work out between you and your child’s father, it often leads to a tumultuous transitional period. Whether you were married or not, separating often means finding a new place to live. Depending on your socioeconomic and employment status, finding somewhere new may be a more difficult proposition for you than for others...

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When your husband is up to something sneaky, and you suspect that information related to his sneakiness will be beneficial in your divorce case, it’s tempting to want to try to gather every bit of evidence that you can yourself. Private investigators are expensive to hire (in fact, in many cases, their retainers rival what...

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What Mistakes am I Making on Social Media?

We’re all on social media. And we’re all sharing information with the world at large at an alarming rate. Sometimes, when I think about it, (and usually, if I’m being honest, I try NOT to think about it) I feel pretty nervous. I’m not all that young anymore, but I’ve had a Facebook account since...

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Girl’s Night Out: Tradition Brewing Company

You asked for it! In April, we’ll be back in Newport News for our ever-popular event series, Girl’s Night Out. We’ve had a series of awesome events lately–our Christmas Party at Yard House in December, our private movie screening of Hidden Figures at Beach Movie Bistro, and our annual “I Hate Valentine’s Day” party at...

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Marriage Vows and Divorce

If you’re struggling with the idea of divorce, you’re not alone. I’ve never met a woman yet who didn’t take her marriage vows seriously, and who doesn’t lament breaking them when she sets foot in my office. In fact, I’ve talked to dozens of women who specifically tell me how much guilt they experience at...

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When you file a case in the circuit court, it’s a matter of public record. Divorces, therefore, since they are filed in the circuit court, are public record. When you file a divorce, your complaint is either served on your husband by a sheriff or returned to you (or your divorce lawyer, if you’re represented...

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Facing a Virginia Child Custody Case

I’m about to have a baby. Well, to tell the truth, I still have a couple weeks before my due date—but I’m also feeling a little bit like everyone I know is on baby watch. I’ve never been so critical of every single feeling I have, wondering if it means something more. It’s my first...

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Can someone sit in on my consultation with me?

Yesterday, I got a call from a very grouchy man. It’s not too often I have calls from men, since we represent women only, and we can’t schedule appointments for any men at all. This man, though, was angry because he was calling to pay for a consultation with one of our attorneys for his...

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