Appealing Juvenile Court Decisions in Virginia

Appealing Juvenile Court Decisions in Virginia

On Monday, we talked about how good moms can lose custody.   It happens all the time, and I’m always surprised at how many moms don’t take custody cases seriously, and wind up losing custody of their kids.  They fall prey to some of the common mistakes we discussed on Monday, and they’re left with...

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Custody and visitation cases can run the gamut.  Of course, that’s because the facts involved in each case can differ dramatically from one to the next, and that can have a lot to do with how the judge rules.  A lot of factors can influence Virginia custody and visitation.  Obviously, what is appropriate for an...

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Virginia Joint Legal Custody and Church

Custody in Virginia comes in one of two types: legal and physical. A lot of the time, we’re fighting over physical custody, because that has to do with where the child spends the majority of his or her time. But, of course, that’s not always the case. Every so often, different issues come up, and,...

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Kids as Witnesses in Virginia Custody Case

Custody cases are messy, and sometimes it really starts to feel like anything goes.  Allegations fly back and forth, and it quickly becomes a battle of he said/she said.  Parents understand, usually, that it’ll be difficult for a judge or a guardian ad litem to really get to the meat of the case because there...

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Parental Kidnapping in Virginia

It happens semi regularly that we end up with a client who has moved with her child (or children) to another state over dad’s objection.  If dad doesn’t care, it’s not a really big deal.  If he does, though, and he files an emergency petition for custody, you could find yourself up the proverbial creek...

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Custody cases are some of the hardest.  Even in cases that – to me, at least – seem more or less routine, there’s still the fact that parents who otherwise would have had (and probably did have, up until recently) complete autonomy over how their children were going to be raised are going to suddenly...

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Virginia child custody in separation agreements

Separation agreements are great, because they allow parties to reach an agreement about how their divorce will be handled, rather than litigating things and ultimately leaving it up to a judge to decide.  Judges are super smart and all that, but (1) they don’t know your case as well as you do, and (2) don’t...

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What about Virginia child custody?

In a lot of cases, everything is pretty cut and dry—except custody.  In a lot of ways, everything else sort of handles itself.  And, besides, it’s just money; there’s a certain amount that people will spend fighting over money (usually, only up to a certain percentage of the value of the asset).  Though it’s true...

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