Understanding Pendente Lite in a Virginia Divorce

Posted on Nov 25, 2011 by Hofheimer Family Law

A divorce can take quite some time from start to finish, and it wouldn’t be practical to let these issues go unaddressed until the divorce is finalized. In this instance, a Virginia pendente lite hearing is important because its purpose is to temporarily settle the pressing issues of the divorce, like child support, child custody, and the rights to the marital home.

The decisions made at a Virginia pendente lite hearing aren’t final, but they can remain in effect for an extended period of time
if the trial drags on. This can be a frustrating situation for you if the judgments aren’t what you expected or wanted.

This is especially true when it comes to child custody arrangements. The court is not quick to change a child’s living situation if it seems stable and acceptable, so the arrangement decided on during the pendente lite hearing could end up being kept in the final order. However, this may not happen in every case.

If you’re facing a Virginia divorce, be sure to have your divorce attorney when you appear at your pendente lite hearing so that your rights and interests can be represented
and you can have a better chance of a favorable outcome.

Contacting a Newport News Divorce Attorney

The decision to file for divorce usually comes at the end of a long and painful journey. In addition to the emotional turmoil involved, there’s also a lot of fear and uncertainty about what the future holds. Concerns about children, mortgages, and even just paying the bills or buying groceries can easily become overwhelming.

A Virginia divorce attorney at Hofheimer Family Law Firm can examine the specifics of your case to help you decide how much support to ask for, what child custody arrangement will work best for you and your children, and how to fairly divide your marital assets. Request a FREE copy of our divorce book for women in Virginia, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200