If you’re thinking about hiring an attorney, you’ve probably, at some point, wondered who you would hire. If you’re here, I’m assuming that you’re at least considering our firm, so I wanted to make sure that I wrote a brief article telling you all about the attorneys we have practicing with us. That way, when...
Monthly Archive: February 2016
I’m not a tax attorney. In fact, if I’m being 100% honest, I really don’t know all that much about tax law, except that it is complex and constantly changing. As a family law attorney, though, sometimes tax related issues come up in my practice. Though I don’t pretend to understand everything about tax law...
We were contacted a little while back by Tami Kamin Meyer, an attorney and writer. She said she had a couple of questions for us, generally, just about what we do—but with an emphasis on our Second Saturday and Custody Bootcamp seminars, and our Girl’s Night Out program. It’s always so humbling when someone takes...
If you haven’t had a chance to make it to one of our Girl’s Night Out events yet, you definitely want to make time to come to our February event! Last year, our Un-Valentine’s Day Party was such a hit, we figured we’d make it an annual thing. It’s going to be on Sunday, Feburary...
The first step towards divorce, for most couples, is a separation. Most people refer to it as a “legal” separation, though, in Virginia at least, there’s no actual, technical “legal” status. There are no forms to file, no protocol to follow; you are simply separated at the point when you decide to become separated. In...
If you’re the main breadwinner in your family and you’re now headed towards divorce, you’re probably a little concerned. And—that’s probably an understatement. Financially, divorce is probably pretty terrifying to you, even if it’s something that you know you want. Spousal support is probably the biggest issue on your mind because, whether you have kids...
If you’ve been a stay at home mom or you’ve significantly reduced your hours in an effort to promote the well being of your family and you’re now headed towards divorce, you’re probably a little concerned. And—that’s probably an understatement. Financially, divorce is probably pretty terrifying to you, even if it’s something that you know...
Going through a divorce isn’t easy. It isn’t easy for anyone, no matter what specific issues brought you to where you are today. No matter what you’re going through, you don’t want to be defined by your divorce. You, like any woman facing adversity, want to come out on the other side, better, stronger, and...