Financial independence after a Virginia divorce is incredibly important. Not only do you need to make a clean financial break from your ex-husband, but it is also important to consider your finances differently now that you probably have less household income. A good reason to hire a financial advisor is if you are looking to...
Get a therapist ! Frequently, when women come to see me, they ask what is the most important thing that I can recommend to them and for many, it’s to encourage them to get a therapist to help them deal with depression, deal with anger and to deal with the non legal issues they have...
If you’re a woman who has recently gone through a Virginia divorce, you may be feeling lonely, anxious and unsure about the future. Going through a Virginia divorce can throw anyone off balance, but this unstable feeling doesn’t last forever. Sometimes, it helps to focus on the positive aspects of your new life as a...
A Virginia divorce can deal a blow to your financial stability, particularly if you’re divorcing at a young age. One of the largest draws on your bank account will be mortgage or rent payments, which is why so many people move and downsize following a Virginia divorce. Some young people who go through a Virginia...
When you are going through a Virginia divorce, health insurance is an important issue to consider. If you are also faced with a cancer diagnosis, maintaining your health insurance coverage is even more important. In many cases, health insurance is provided by one spouse’s employer. The policy covers the entire family. After divorce, the ex-spouses...
You may not think that cancer and divorce have anything to do with one another. They are both challenging situations to face in their own right, but surprisingly, there is research that states your likelihood of getting divorced increases with a cancer diagnosis. In the case of cervical cancer, a study conducted by the European...
Facing the holidays after a Virginia divorce can be emotional for any woman. You might have to attend events where family tension is thick, or talk to your children about the changes that have come to the family. While these things aren’t easy, being alone during the holidays can be the most difficult part of...
When a marriage breaks down and the couple chooses to end it through Virginia divorce, their whole family is affected.Holiday traditions are a part of family life that might need to be modified in the face of a Virginia divorce. Many practical aspects of divorce may demand that you adapt your long-standing traditions to accommodate...