Mediation in Virginia Divorces Involving Children

Posted on Mar 20, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

First and foremost in your mind if you are going through a divorce and you are a mother is: how this will affect your children? You naturally want the best for your children and will do what is necessary to ensure their interests are protected throughout your divorce proceedings. In some circumstances, mediation as a step in your Virginia divorce may provide benefits that extend to your children.

By coming up with a fair and equitable settlement with your spouse, you can avoid some of the conflict associated with divorce. Once you come to a mutual agreement-either through mediation, or a Virginia collaborative divorce-it will help to resolve disagreements and conflicts from coming between you, your spouse and your children.

You don’t stop being a parent just because you are divorced from your spouse, so by striving to reach a fair agreement, you have taken the first step in learning how to work together, even through circumstances as difficult as a divorce. Nothing is more important to your children than to have their parents cooperating with one another while raising them.

In a successful mediation-one which includes guidance from your Virginia divorce attorney-the focus is on important issues, like your children. A mediator can help you work through the process of discussing the best possible arrangement for raising your children in a healthy, loving environment.

To learn more about mediation in a Virginia divorce, visit our library.

The decision to file for divorce usually comes at the end of a long and painful journey. In addition to the emotional turmoil involved, there’s also a lot of fear and uncertainty about what the future holds. Concerns about children, mortgages, and even just paying the bills or buying groceries can easily become overwhelming.

A Virginia divorce attorney can examine the specifics of your case to help you decide how much support to ask for, what child custody arrangement will work best for you and your children, and how to fairly divide your marital assets. Contact us today to schedule a legal consultation – (757) 425-5200.

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