New Year, New Plan: Reinventing Yourself After a Divorce in Virginia

Posted on Jan 19, 2012 by Hofheimer Family Law

If you’ve recently gone through a Virginia divorce you’re probably still feeling the effects as you enter the new year. Coping after divorce can be particularly difficult during the holidays, but afterward you may be looking for ways to make a fresh start.

Look after yourself. Physical health can affect emotional health, and vice versa. If you’ve been depressed and upset following your breakup, and that has influenced your eating and sleeping habits, now is the time to try and get them back on track. Also, you can look into new exercise plans, vitamins…whatever will help you feel your best.

Rediscover your passion. Sometimes in a relationship, you can lose your distinct identity as you conform to the likes and dislikes of your partner. After your Virginia divorce, you can do some soul-searching to find out who you really are and what you really love. Maybe you can re-adopt an old hobby or start a new one; volunteer or look into changing or enhancing your career.

Changing your look can be a fun way of coping after divorce. Even if you don’t feel like making a big change, or spending a lot of cash, you can still brighten and freshen your look in small ways like hair color, a few new flattering clothing items, or some new makeup.

Be social. Take a break from your old scene and begin exploring new places. Try new bars and clubs, or join a club to connect with others who share your interests. Don’t let anyone pressure you into dating again until you’re ready.

Contacting a Chesapeake Divorce Lawyer

There are very specific rules governing divorce in Virginia. At Hofheimer Family Law Firm we are committed to providing you with the experience and compassion you deserve and the successful results you need to move on with your life. Request a FREE copy of our divorce guide for women in Virginia, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.