
Girl’s Night Out Christmas Party!

It’s that time of year again! The holidays are quickly approaching, which has got us thinking about our annual Girl’s Night Out Christmas Party! Last year, we met up at the Crab Shack in Newport News—in our terribly tacky Christmas sweaters. (I have to admit, even though I was one of the driving forces behind...

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Planning for Holiday Custody and Visitation

Today is Halloween which means, to me, at least, the kick off of the holiday season. From here on out, it seems like everything is holiday themed. And, don’t get me wrong, I love it. I love every single minute of it. This year, in fact, it’s even more special to me, because I’m pregnant...

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You’re unhappy, but maybe you’re not ready to move forward with a divorce just yet. Things have been rough, but you’re still holding out hope that something might change and you’ll be able to make it work. Whether for your own sake or for the sake of your children, there’s something just so permanent about...

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Child support for child with special needs

I get it. Every child is different. And, when your child has special needs, your family may have issues that the average family doesn’t. When it comes to a divorce and custody situation, it makes things a little bit more difficult (or, maybe, a lot more difficult). Of course, a lot depends on the severity...

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Is custody different without a divorce case?

A friend of mine (it’s funny how “friends” crawl out of the woodwork when they have a pending divorce or custody case) recently messaged me on Facebook to ask me about her current custody case. She and her child’s father were never married, and they had a very young baby together when they went their...

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Virginia Child Custody Seminar for Moms

We talked Wednesday about how difficult child custody cases are (and particularly the cases where sexual abuse is an issue). If you’re facing a custody case, there’s no doubt that you’re feeling anxious and overwhelmed. There’s a lot at stake in a custody case and, chances are, if you’re willing to go to court, it’s...

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Virginia Child Custody: Sexual Abuse Cases

Sexual abuse cases are some of the most difficult we see in our practice. Well, really, all custody cases are difficult, as you can probably imagine, because there is so much involved. When it comes to regular divorce cases, there’s a limit to the amount of money, time, and frustration people will expend on a...

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Diane Hofheimer: Volunteer Service Champion

On Tuesday, October 25th, one of our own, Diane Hofheimer, is going to be recognized for all the volunteer service she has done in our community to prevent child abuse. A long time volunteer with Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads (which has since been re named as Champions for Children Prevent Child Abuse Hampton Roads),...

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