
Relocation and Custody

Relocation cases are some of the most difficult custody cases to win – in Virginia at least. And, probably, they come up in Virginia with more frequency than they do in some other places because we’ve got such a disproportionately high number of military service members. I get it, of course. What worked when you...

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Separation and Marital Agreements in Virginia

There’s no such thing as “one size fits all” when it comes to marriage and divorce. That’s why there are so many different solutions to whatever might be going wrong in your particular case—and it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re headed for divorce. I know. You’re probably thinking, “WHAT?! Why would a divorce attorney tell...

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He Drafted a Separation Agreement. Now What?

These days, it is probably safe to say that most people get divorced with a separation agreement. And that’s a good thing! That means that (though it may not have been the easiest thing in the world to do) they aren’t wasting time and money fighting over things in court. When you negotiate a separation...

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File a Divorce

In Virginia (and, I’m pretty sure, just about everywhere else) the divorce process formally begins with the court when a complaint is filed. That doesn’t mean, though, that the first thing you need to do is march down to the courthouse and file a divorce. In fact, in many cases, you don’t file anything until...

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Preparing for Divorce

It’s not easy, but preparing for divorce ahead of time is key. It doesn’t matter whether you’ve been divorced before or whether it’s your first time; whether you’ve got a lot of assets or a lot of debt; whether you’ve got children or not, it’s a humongous transition. Emotionally, physically, and financially, it can be...

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Divorce Paperwork

You’ve Googled, and still you’ve found nowhere reputable that offers anything even close to approximating the kind of divorce paperwork you’d need to file for divorce on your own – without the help of a divorce and family law attorney – in Virginia. There’s Legal Aid, but, of course, they won’t help unless you’re really...

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A lot of times, if you’re just filing for custody, visitation, child support, or spousal support, you’re going to start out at the juvenile court level. If you’re not currently pursuing divorce, but these issues are currently unresolved, the juvenile court is really the only forum you have available to you. There’s good news and...

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“My” money in Virginia divorce

I hear all the time, from both sides, that one party or another paid for something with “their” money during the marriage—usually as a justification for why a particular asset shouldn’t be subject to division in the divorce but should, instead, revert back to the one who paid for it.  “Well, it’s my money anyway,”...

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