
Will he take our child and run?

For most moms where a custody case is at stake, one of the biggest, most suffocating fears they have is the possibility that their child’s father will take the child and not return him. Whether he takes the child and runs or whether he just refuses to return him to mom, it doesn’t matter; the...

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Divorcing and scared

If you’re divorcing and scared, you’re not alone. It’s normal to be wondering what to expect, especially when you’re headed towards such a major transition. It’s not unusual to wonder whether it will really happen, and fantasize about it either way. And, then, stay up half the night worrying about it—either way. Mixed feelings are...

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Standard of living after divorce

Financial questions are usually some of the biggest unknowns in divorce. For many Virginia women, wondering just what is going to happen after divorce is the thing that makes the entire process especially scary. To me, it seems like a big part of preparing for divorce mentally is beginning to understand what your standard of...

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Are we separated if he sleeps on the couch?

Separation in Virginia, like most everywhere else, is often the first step towards divorce. But a lot of women are often confused about what it means to separate or be legally separated in Virginia. What’s required? How do you have to change your behavior? Is there any paperwork that goes along with a legal separation?...

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Does adultery matter?

For most women, finding out that their husbands have committed adultery is devastating. For him to throw away your life together, after however many years, is a terrible and overwhelming feeling. I get it, and yet, at the same time, my goal is always to make sure that my clients have up to date, reliable,...

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Divorcing a Sociopath

Whether your husband has been formally diagnosed or not, if he’s suffering from some sociopathic tendencies, you’re probably feeling overwhelmed and intimidated. Divorce is always difficult, for any number of reasons, but divorcing a sociopath is even more difficult. But you already know that, right? After all, there’s a reason why your marriage is headed...

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Custody in separate homes

At some point, after you and your child’s father call it quits, you’ll live in separate homes. In some ways, that makes custody of the child you share more difficult. In other ways, though, it lightens the burdens on you both. If you and your child’s father have just recently made the decision to separate,...

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Co Parenting Problems

I’ll be the first to say that co parenting isn’t easy. I mean, there’s a reason why you and your child’s father called it quits on your relationship, and there’s no doubt that the lingering feelings between the two of you make being parents together and presenting a united front incredibly difficult. Even in the...

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