
If you’ve recently gone through a Virginia divorce you’re probably still feeling the effects as you enter the new year. Coping after divorce can be particularly difficult during the holidays, but afterward you may be looking for ways to make a fresh start. Look after yourself. Physical health can affect emotional health, and vice versa....

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The Connection Between Weight Gain after a Divorce in VA

After divorce in Virginia, your life changes in many ways. You may have challenges in your finances, your emotions and your physical health. Weight changes are among the common health effects of divorce. A recent study shows that both marriage and divorce can cause “weight shocks” that can lead to small weight gains. Researchers found...

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Be a Katy Perry, Not a Kim Kardashian, in Your Divorce

Katy Perry met media inquiries about her divorce from Russell Brand with a dignified silence, which she finall broke by tweeting gratitude to her supporters and stating that she had no comments to make on her divorce, and that others did not speak for her in their comments to media sources. Smart girl! On the...

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Healing a Broken Heart after a Divorce in Virginia

Coping after divorce isn’t always easy. Even if the practical aspects of your life are in order following your Virginia divorce, your emotions may still need much more time to heal. Oscar-winning actress Sandra Bullock might seem to have an enviable life, but when her marriage to husband Jesse James fell apart after the revelation...

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Burden of Virginia Divorce on Pets

It’s not uncommon for a couple’s pets to become objects of a dispute over division of property in a Virginia divorce, but it’s the pets’ emotional well-being that should be the first concern. Though technically pets are considered “property” and the laws of division of property usually apply to them, many pet owners see them...

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Divorced in Virginia: What to do with Marriage Stuff

When you’re divorced in Virginia, you may feel the need to deal with the material reminders of your marriage. Sorting out memorabilia can be a way of coping after divorce, because it brings closure to the painful event and allows you to look to the future.Some divorcees keep all or most of the physical items...

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When the Courts Re-Review Your Virginia Child Custody Order

When you’re getting a divorce in Virginia, custody will naturally be one of your biggest concerns. If you’re not comfortable with the court’s Virginia child custody order because circumstances have changed, you can file a petition and have the courts re-review your case. To begin with, you should know that if you want to change...

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When something significant has happened and you want to change your Virginia child custody order, you’ll have to work with your Virginia child custody lawyer to discuss how to demonstrate what’s known as “material changes.” Just because the courts made a final judgment about the custody, doesn’t mean that you can’t seek to change it....

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