
Woman Finds Out About Husband’s New Wife on Facebook

Social media websites are increasingly being used as evidence in divorce cases. In fact, in some cases, a social networking site can be the cause of the divorce when evidence of flirting or infidelity is discovered. Lynn France, of Cleveland, recently found out the hard way that her husband was cheating on her when she...

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Building Your Self Esteem after a Later Life Divorce

Going through a Virginia later life divorce can affect the self esteem of even the most confident woman. If you have recently gone through a divorce, rebuilding your self esteem is crucial. Learn how to give yourself a confidence boost after ending your marriage by following these tips.Remind yourself about your good qualities. After a...

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Dealing with a Stalemate during Collaborative Divorce

While going through a collaborative divorce can be less stressful and hostile than a traditional divorce in court, both you and your spouse may reach a stalemate during negotiations of your collaborative divorce. Listed below are tips on how to move past this situation:Look for alternative solutions. Sometimes when dealing with two choices, negotiations can...

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Seeking Divorce Counseling After a Later Life Divorce

Whether you are ending your marriage because of infidelity or because you and your spouse have grown apart, going to a divorce counselor can be an integral part of the healing process. A divorce counselor is an unbiased party who can offer objective advice on your concerns and help you manage your emotions during this...

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Coping with a Divorce after 50

A Virginia divorce at any stage of life is hard, but if you were with your ex-spouse for most of your life, it can be even more difficult. Many people stay together for their children, but once the children are out of the house, they decide to lead separate lives, resulting in a later life...

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Dealing with Credit Card Debt during a Virginia Divorce

Credit card debt is a problem that plagues many people throughout the United States. However, if you are going through a Virginia divorce, dealing with credit card can be even more difficult. If you have a credit card in your name, but your spouse ran up the charges, there are a few solutions that can...

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Changing Back to Your Maiden Name after a Virginia Divorce

After divorce, many women wish to go back to their maiden names. By reclaiming your maiden name, you may shed your identity as a wife and take back your own identity, especially if you and your husband don’t have any children in common. Though changing your name is easier as a part of a divorce...

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When someone is getting divorced, they are undergoing a major life change that can trigger stress, anxiety and grief. If someone you care about is going through a Virginia divorce, you can be a source of comfort and emotional support. Listed below are a few pointers on how to be a source of strength for...

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