
Dating After Divorce

If you have gone through a difficult divorce and decided to re-enter the dating world, you may have realized that new relationships have their own share of challenges. There are many factors that come into play when dating after a divorce; these include your ex-husband, the "stigma" of already having children, and dating other parents....

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Virginia Divorce and Military Housing

If you are living in military housing and are considering divorcing your spouse, there are some important facts to take into consideration. Service member’s spouses have the right to reside in on-base housing as long as their serviceperson spouse lives there with them. These rights are honored when the spouse who is the service member...

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Helping Kids Cope with Shared Custody

Child custody issues are probably the most heartbreaking and difficult aspects of ending a relationship. Both partners have invested so much love, time and resources into raising the children that the thought of tearing the family apart seems unbearable. If the stress of ending a relationship is hard on the adults, it’s even more difficult...

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Helping Your Children Through a Same-Sex Divorce

Raising children is a challenging part of life for anyone, whether they are coupled, single, gay or straight. One of the most important strategies for raising healthy, happy kids in any family is to give them a sense of belonging in the family unit and connection to the larger community. If you are currently separating...

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Living Arrangements for Children of Divorce

You are facing a divorce and have many issues and concerns to deal with. If you have children there will be additional factors to consider, including your child’s living arrangements. There are a number of options that can work for families who are going through a Virginia divorce.The most common scenarios that play out in...

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The Virginia Division of Child Support Enforcement (DCSE) has made great strides in the past 10 years as far as collections on delinquent child support moneys, established paternities, and overall profit-making capabilities. They are an invaluable tool to be used in post-divorce proceedings in conjunction with your experienced Virginia child support lawyer. Overall, the collections...

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Guardian Ad Litems and Virginia Child Custody

The guardian ad litem, or custody evaluator, is an attorney appointed by the court to monitor you, your ex, and the environment surrounding your child while your Virginia child custody case is active. Their purpose is to help the court make a ruling that will be in the best interest of the child. The guardian...

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Modifying Pendente Lite in Virginia Child Custody

A pendente lite simply means “while the case is pending.” It is the temporary order that the judge assigns to establish child support and living conditions until your Virginia divorce proceedings are completed. The pendente lite is valuable because it establishes temporary custody and support guidelines for your children. The pedente lite can be a...

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