
Virginia Child Abduction Case Resolved

Even when you find yourself in an unsatisfactory child custody arrangement, it’s important not to take the law into your own hands and relocate your child without the court’s permission. In fact, a Virginia woman was recently caught in Texas after being on the run for almost 10 years because of a Virginia child custody...

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Virginia Child Custody Laws & Parental Kidnapping

Until you have a specific custody order in place, either parent can take the child anywhere or keep him for any period of time. There is no such thing as parental kidnapping unless there is a specific custody order in place, and one parent is violating that order. If you’re worried about your child’s father...

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Alternative litigation can make the process of a Virginia divorce involving child custody much easier to deal with. Alternative litigation can sometimes offer more benefits than going through traditional divorce litigation. Litigation can create a bigger divide between you and your spouse, and it can also be expensive, depending on the circumstances of your case.Divorce...

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Putting Children First In Alternative Litigation

Divorce can create a lot of emotion and feelings that are difficult to process. You may feel that you have been hurt, rejected or even wonder if you are doing the right thing. If there are children involved, it can make the situation even more challenging. There is so much to figure out with finances,...

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How to Cope With a Child Custody Case in Virginia

Divorce that involves child custody issues in Virginia can be particularly challenging. As such, it’s important to know the ways that you can end up hurting your chances of a favorable decision in a child custody hearing in the state.Listed below are some things to be mindful of when dealing with a Virginia child custody...

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What Is the Difference between Sole and Joint Custody?

If you are facing a child custody hearing in Virginia, you may have lots of questions about the possible outcome. You are probably somewhat familiar with the differences between sole (or, primary) and joint custody. However, what these mean is not always so clear-cut. Sole vs. Joint Custody in a Child Custody Hearing in VirginiaSole...

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Court Behavior: How to Behave in a Child Custody Hearing

When it comes to court room behavior during a Virginia child custody hearing, it’s almost like learning how to play a game. You are a player and the goal is to win physical and/or legal custody of your child. Before you can even think about winning a child custody hearing in Virginia you have to...

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A Florida lawyer was jailed after displaying rude courtroom behavior in his own divorce case. His inability to keep quiet in the courtroom didn’t sit very well with the judge.Herald Tribune reports that Edward Weltman displayed several types of rude and disruptive behavior in court that finally led to the judge finding him in criminal...

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