Military Divorce: Pension Division and Survivor Annuity

Our newest attorney, Lori Michaud, may be new to us, but she’s not at all new to the practice of law. Licensed in Virginia, New York, and New Jersey, Lori has been practicing since the mid 1980s, and, in that time, has built an impressive reputation for herself. This year, Lori was asked to teach...

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It’s the most wonderful time of the year!  (I don’t know about THAT, exactly, because I’m pretty partial to sunny at 75, but – Christmas is nice, too.) For the FOURTH year in a row now, we’re sponsoring a Girl’s Night Out holiday party to celebrate the season with all of our awesome friends, both...

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Common Law Marriage in Virginia

Okay, so, the headline of this article, “Common Law Marriage in Virginia” is a little misleading, and I’ll tell you why. There is NO common law marriage in Virginia. Common law marriage is a thing, at least in some states, but it isn’t in Virginia.  The theory there, which I assume you already know, is...

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Military Retirement in Virginia Divorce

There are things in divorce that are negotiating points, especially when it comes to the finer points.  A judge, it has to be said, isn’t going to be creative with the results in any particular case; it’s not personal, there just simply isn’t time.  If you want to be creative, and craft a solution that...

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He just wants to pay less child support

I see it all the time. It makes me sad, but it’s just the way it is. For a lot of dads, their chief motivation is figuring out some way to pay less child support — or, even better, none at all. To them, I think, it feels like a long term monthly payment to...

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Filing for Virginia Legal Separation

Divorce is one of those areas of law that is very state-specific.  Unlike certain areas of law that are federally controlled, each state is largely responsible for the divorce laws that govern in their courts.  The states are, as they say, the social laboratories. So, it’s kind of hard to know, from state to state,...

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Handling Holiday Custody and Visitation

Things always get more difficult around the holidays.  People who are thinking about divorce don’t really tend to take action at this point; for the most part, they keep it together for their families through the holiday season.  But for the people who have an existing divorce or custody case, it tends to become more...

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Reconciliation Clauses in Separation Agreements

I got a good question at one of my Second Saturday seminars the other day.  A woman asked, “What’s a reconciliation clause?  Do I even want one?  I don’t plan on reconciling!”  She went on to say that a reconciliation clause wasn’t included when she and her husband met with a mediator, but then that the...

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