Waiting until Your Virginia Divorce Is Finalized before Dating

Posted on Aug 31, 2010 by Hofheimer Family Law

Chances are that if you are going through a later life divorce in Virginia, you have been estranged from your husband for awhile. Though having male companionship can be nice, you should wait until your divorce is final before re-entering the dating world.

One reason you should avoid dating until you are divorced is to avoid upsetting your future ex-husband. He may get jealous that you have found someone new, and try to get revenge in the courtroom by angling for a larger portion of your marital property. Fighting with your husband about your new boyfriend can also affect your children, both minors and adults.

There are several legal reasons not to date until your divorce is final. The court considers you married until the Virginia divorce is final, whether you still live together or not. Dating someone at this time may be considered adultery, which in some cases may affect the outcome of your divorce agreement.

You should also consider that any relationships that develop during a divorce might have a fairly short shelf life. The stress of the divorce can end up taking a toll on both you and your boyfriend, especially if he ends up becoming involved in the case settlement process.

Once your divorce is finalized, you should consider your own feelings and needs before re-entering the dating world. Especially after a later life divorce, dating can be difficult and may also affect your children. You should take things at an appropriate pace to avoid overwhelming yourself after just having finished the emotional task of finalizing your Virginia divorce.

Contacting a Later Life Virginia Divorce Lawyer

Going through a Virginia divorce later in life often presents a different set of challenges than those faced by younger couples who choose to separate. Either way, the decision to file for divorce usually comes at the end of a long and painful journey. In addition to the emotional turmoil involved, there’s also a lot of fear and uncertainty about what the future holds. Concerns about mortgages, pensions, retirement funds, shared assets and even just paying the bills or buying groceries can easily become overwhelming.

A later life Virginia divorce attorney at Hofheimer Family Law Firm can examine the specifics of your case to help you decide how much support to ask for and how to fairly divide your marital assets. Request a FREE copy of our guide, What Every Virginia Woman Should Know About Divorce, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.