3 Tips to Help with Separation in VA During the Holidays

Posted on Dec 5, 2011 by Hofheimer Family Law

The holidays can present some unique challenges when you’re getting separated in Virginia. This is an emotional time of year, but taking some simple steps now can help you get on the road to coping with separation.

Three Useful Tips to Help You through Separation in VA during the Holiday Season

First, self care is important but often falls by the wayside when we’re stressed and busy, and if you’re going through a separation during the holidays, you’re likely feeling both of those. Be sure you’re getting adequate rest, nutrition, and downtime.

Second, plan ahead. Make a schedule and stick with it, and be sure not to overburden yourself with too many tasks to do or events to attend.

Third, creating new holiday traditions can be a good way of coping with separation. It may not be possible to go forward with your usual family routine, but you can embrace the change as something positive and put your own unique spin on the holiday season.

There are specific rules for separation in Virginia. You and your spouse generally have to live apart and not act like a couple for 6 months to a year. If you reconcile with your spouse according to the rules the “separation clock” will be set back to the beginning. Be sure you continue adhering to the guidelines during the holiday season, even though it’s a sentimental time that might temporarily make you emotional about your ex.

Contacting a Virginia Divorce Attorney

There are very specific rules governing divorce in Virginia. At Hofheimer Family Law Firm we are committed to providing you with the experience and compassion you deserve and the successful results you need to move on with your life. Request a FREE copy of our divorce guide for women in Virginia, or reserve your seat at our monthly divorce seminar – 757-425-5200.