If your child has been abused by your husband and you have taken him to court, you may now be hearing a charge against you called “Parental Alienation Syndrome.” If you are thinking this accusation is random, wrong and baseless, you are correct on all three counts.What is Parental Alienation Syndrome (PAS)? Parental Alienation Syndrome...
May 6, 2010 – Miami Heat player Dwayne Wade’s divorce case is heating up with new allegations coming from his wife, Siohvaugh Wade. A new lawsuit claims that Dwayne’s relationship with actress Gabrielle Union was harmful not only to their marriage, but also to the couple’s two young sons. The lawsuit claims Union “engaged in...
Facing the uncertainties of your Virginia divorce and child custody case is difficult for any woman, but facing those challenges with an abusive partner puts a life or death strain on an already tense situation. You can triumph over your abusive husband and break free of his ill-will toward you and your children. With an...
If you are going through a Virginia divorce with an abusive husband and there are children involved, having a Virginia divorce attorney by your side with experience in domestic abuse is the best resource you can have. If you and your children are victims of an abusive husband, take heart. You are already taking those...
Starting a new life with your children after a difficult divorce is no small task. Even when something seems impossible that doesn’t mean it is unconquerable. You have the ability to take back control of your life and turn it into whatever you want it to be. Part of achieving this stability will come from...
If you have gone through a difficult divorce and decided to re-enter the dating world, you may have realized that new relationships have their own share of challenges. There are many factors that come into play when dating after a divorce; these include your ex-husband, the "stigma" of already having children, and dating other parents....
If you are living in military housing and are considering divorcing your spouse, there are some important facts to take into consideration. Service member’s spouses have the right to reside in on-base housing as long as their serviceperson spouse lives there with them. These rights are honored when the spouse who is the service member...
You are facing a divorce and have many issues and concerns to deal with. If you have children there will be additional factors to consider, including your child’s living arrangements. There are a number of options that can work for families who are going through a Virginia divorce.The most common scenarios that play out in...